Welcome to the Sudden Walk
For those who already subscribe, this won't be news to you. But I just wanted to set up a welcome page for people visiting my Substack for the first time. Here it is.
The ethos of the Sudden Walk is built around putting yourself into motion.
I mean right now.
I’ve been working on a novel for six years. The first two of which were very theory heavy, a lot of “research,” but not a lot of actual writing. Those two years were preceded by an even longer period of talking about my ideas, thinking them through, but never actually putting them down in words.
This might seem crazy, but there’s a fairly sound logic behind this. The moment you translate those ideas into scenes, they become real, they expose themselves to scrutiny, and you are faced with your own limitations as a writer.
But if you dwell on the theory side of that fence for too long, you’ll never develop the skills to overcome those limitations.
Hence the Sudden Walk.
I moved to London in September ‘22 with the intent to eat through my savings account, live a fairly humble lifestyle, but most importantly, finish this novel.
The Sudden Walk is a real time account of this endeavor.
On this page you will find:
Non-fiction posts:
Documenting my observations on the writing/publishing industry.
First hand accounts of what it’s like to be an aspiring writer in this landscape.
What its like to commit to a novel and how this interacts with your self image/standing among your peers.
Fiction Posts:
Structured in twelve story “seasons,” I will post short stories. Most of which will be experimenting with some writing technique aimed at improving my craft as a writer.
Occasionally I will post analysis of these stories along with feedback I’ve received if they’ve been entered into competitions etc.
And that’s essentially it. Come along for the journey, comment if you feel the inclination, share the page with anyone who might be interested and if you really feel compelled, subscribe to my paid content for more detailed/revealing insights into my experience over here in London.